Alta Marching Band Community Car Show

Entry Registration


*Waiver agreement

Informed Consent/Waiver of Liability

1. Release and Indemnification:  I hereby recognize and acknowledge that my participation and recreational activities may involve bodily and/or emotional injury to myself and/or my vehicle, I for myself, my heirs, my executors and administrators, I hereby voluntarily and knowingly indemnify and hold harmless, defend, release, waive and discharge Canyons School District, Alta High School and its officers, employees, and volunteers from any and all suits, claims, liability, including negligence.  I agree that I or my insurance company will pay for medical, hospitalization or any other expenses resulting from my participation.


2. Show Rules:

  • All entry placards must be registered and display registration card visibly on dashboard

  • No loud music is allowed to be played from vehicles.  Any display of questionable music, videos, art, or other media is not permitted and will be removed from the show.

  • No burning out or drag racing in or around the event

  • Follow staff member instructions and/or requests

  • All persons operating the vehicle must have a valid driver’s license

  • No alcohol or tobacco use on school premises

  • All persons must obey School premise rules

3. Emergency Treatment:  I hereby authorize Canyons School District, Alta High School, to act on my behalf in accordance with their best judgement in case of an emergency involving me, and agree to assume full responsibility for all expenses, medical or otherwise, that may arise from them.

4. Equal Opportunity:  Canyons School District provides equal opportunity to participate regardless of race, creed, gender, and will upon request, provide reasonable accommodations to individuals and disabilities.

By signing this registration form assumption of risk, liability, release, indemnification statement, I acknowledge that I have read its contents disclosure, and that I understand its contents and disclosure, and that I agree to its terms.