Canyons Community Schools Fresh Produce Market

Copperview, East Midvale, Midvale, Midvalley and Sandy elementary schools are part of Canyons Community Schools. These community schools are organized under a model that recognizes students and families have needs beyond the classroom. Many needs are for basics; food, clothing, coats, shoes and hygiene items. Addressing food insecurity is critical. At most of our community elementary schools, 100% of the students receive free breakfast and lunch . The Utah Food Bank provides monthly mobile pantries and weekend food bags are send home for many students. The most noticeable gap for food is an inability to provide fresh perishable food on a regular basis. Having healthy food options and good nutrition are important parts of overall student wellness and success.

We have worked with local markets to order nutrient dense produce items. Each week families are able to come to the school to receive a free bag of produce (for example; 3 onions, 4 bananas, 4 apples, 4 tomatoes, spinach, beets, carrots). Families have embraced this idea and our data shows that the weekly participation for families has grown with each market. We currently are supporting 250 families a week, 50 at each of the 5 schools (Copperview, East Midvale, Midvale, Midvalley, Sandy). The weekly budget for this market is $1000.00 and it covers the produce for those 250 families.

We have received multiple donations and grants to run this program. We are in need of more support from community members and businesses to cover the cost of the market in May, June, August, September and October 2024.

Thank you for your consideration and know that any donation will make an ongoing difference in the lives of students and families in the Midvale area.

If you want to learn more or have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to Michele Vogeler, Community School Specialist at (801) 826-5023.


$150 raised

2% of $10,000 goal

Organized By

Michele Vogeler

Canyons Education Foundation

Canyons School District



May 01, 2024 - Nov 01, 2024

4 months left