School Dance Tickets
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Prom, Homecoming, Sadie Hawkins, and beyond. Start selling tickets to the school dance either online, in person, or both.
SuccessFund's campaign template makes it easy to:
- Add questions at checkout to verify that participants are students, or to ask their grade.
- Require students to agree to any school code of behavior as a part of checkout.
- Manage your inventory and attendance expectations with real-time result tracking.
- Sell tickets in advance to scan and redeem, or take payments using card readers at the door. Or both!
How-to Video: Create and customize this campaign
Podcast interview of others who found success:
Some of the best ideas we've seen:
- Sell tickets online: Set up your online store to sell tickets in advance, and use the SuccessFund mobile app to scan tickets at the door.
- Sell tickets in person too: Use SuccessFund's card readers to process payments during the event
- Decorate: Transform the gym or cafeteria into a fun, festive environment that gets students excited to attend.
- Offer Activities: Have games, competitions, raffles and contests to keep students engaged throughout the event.
- Sell Refreshments: Sell affordable snacks, drinks and items, such as glow sticks to raise additional funds.
- Recruit Student Volunteers: Get students involved in planning décor, activities, music, etc to boost engagement.
- Offer Prizes: Raffle off gift cards, movie tickets, and other prizes to students. (Remember to follow local raffle laws that might prohibit selling raffle tickets)
- Download SuccessFund Flyers or QR codes: Post flyers around the school making it easy for students to sign up at any time.
- Send Reminders: Email parents and text students occasional reminders about dance dates, deadlines, and ticket sales.
- Give Back: Allocate some proceeds to a cause students care about so they feel investment in fundraising success.
- Say Thanks: Show appreciation for volunteers, attendees and school staff to encourage future involvement.