Swig Fundraiser
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Partner with Swig to sell cards good for Cookies, Pretzel bites, and of course those amazing Swig drinks! Email orders@swigdrinks.com to coordinate the purchase of cards.
SuccessFund's campaign template makes it easy to:
- Create your online fundraising page instantly with products and prices complete and ready to go.
- Sell Swig cards online and fulfill orders later
- Track results including name, email, and phone number so you can ensure efficient fulfillment of Swig cards
How-to Video: Create and customize this campaign
Podcast interview of others who found success:
Some of the best ideas we've seen:
Promotional Materials:
- Use SuccessFund's auto-generated flyers, or create your own and add the SuccessFund QR code to promote your Swig fundraiser.
- Highlight the variety of sodas, pretzel bites, and cookies available, along with the convenience of using voucher cards at Swig locations.
Online and Offline Sales Channels:
- Sell voucher cards by posting your link to various channels like the school website, social media accounts.
- Provide easy-to-follow instructions for purchasing voucher cards online and promote the fundraiser through email newsletters and social media.
Student Incentives:
- Implement a competition or incentive program to motivate students to sell voucher cards.
- Offer prizes or rewards for top sellers, such as gift cards, Swig merchandise, or recognition.
Parent Involvement:
- Encourage parent involvement by providing information about the fundraiser through newsletters, emails, and parent-teacher meetings.
- Offer volunteer opportunities for parents to help with sales, distribution, and promotion.
Community Outreach:
- Reach out to the local community to expand the reach of the fundraiser beyond the school.
- Partner with nearby businesses, community centers, and organizations to sell voucher cards and raise awareness about the fundraiser.
Progress Tracking:
- Keep track of sales progress through a centralized system or platform.
- Provide regular updates on fundraising goals, milestones, and achievements to keep participants motivated and engaged.
Follow-Up and Thank You:
- Send thank-you notes or emails to participants, volunteers, and supporters after the fundraiser concludes.
- Share the impact of the fundraiser, including the amount raised and how it will benefit the school community.