SHS Mini Cheer & Stunt Crew Camp

$50 per participant

~ includes cost of clinic, halftime performance, t-shirt, and bow

T-shirts and bows will be distributed at the end of camp on Wednesday, October 4th, and should be worn to the halftime performance on October 6th.

Participant Registration


T-shirt sizes are limited. We will do our best to accommodate your size selection.

** Please type parent/guardian first & last name below as signature **

Your child's safety is our top priority. All NFHS Spirit Safety Rules will be strictly enforced by the Skyridge Cheer Staff.

I understand cheerleading is a vigorous physical activity involving motion, rotation, and height in a unique environment. As such, my child's participation in cheerleading activity carries a higher than ordinary risk of injury.

I understand the dangers and risks of cheerleading activity include, but are not limited to, serious bodily harm, permanent physical impairment, neck injury, spinal injury, catastrophic injury, concussion, paralysis, or even death.

I voluntarily give my child permission to participate in the 2023 Skyridge Mini Cheer & Stunt Crew Camp.