How to Add Variants to Products on SuccessFund

Learn how to create and manage product variants—like sizes or colors—on SuccessFund, making sales and inventory tracking

This video will review how to set up and manage product variants in SuccessFund, allowing you to offer different sizes, colors, or other options for the products you're selling. You'll learn how to:

  • Set Up Product Variants: Discover how to create multiple options for a product, such as different sizes or styles. You’ll see how to add categories like size or color, and how to customize each variant with its own price, image, and quantity.
  • Manage Inventory: Learn how to keep track of your stock by setting specific quantities for each variant. For example, you can manage how many small, medium, or large hoodies you have available.
  • Simplify Checkout: Understand how to organize your store to make it easy for customers to choose exactly what they want, whether it's a white hat or a sleeveless t-shirt, while ensuring you can easily manage the orders.

By the end of this video, you'll know how to effectively use product variants to enhance your sales strategy and provide a better shopping experience for your supporters.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do supporters receive the products they purchase? (Fulfillment)

Once your fundraiser is complete, you can find a list of supporters and their contact information on the Results tab of your SuccessFund account. If you need shipping addresses, make sure to include an address field as a checkout question on your fundraising page. You can customize these checkout questions to gather necessary details, such as shipping addresses.

For specific product-related questions (like T-shirt sizes or registration details), you can configure these under the Products tab by clicking on each product. To view all responses at checkout, click the Switch Report button to access the All Results report. There, you can customize which columns are displayed or export the data into a spreadsheet for easier management and fulfillment.